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Tell Lawmakers: Students Deserve Safe & Welcoming Schools

SB 1583 prevents discrimination against our most vulnerable students by giving them the right to see themselves reflected in their school.
a black girl hangs a poster with a rainbow that says love on it

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Tell your lawmakers to support SB 1583

Write Your Lawmakers:

In our line of work, we all understand that it is important for students to see themselves reflected in their community. Educators ensure there are materials that do just that by carefully selecting books, magazines, educational videos and experiences that reflect our student populations in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. As we see the effects of isolation play out in classrooms across the state, this is the time to prioritize belonging and welcoming schools for all in Oregon. 

I support Senate Bill 1583 as it prevents discrimination against our marginalized students, the students who most need our support on a daily basis according to state data. 

Students need to feel affirmed in order to learn, yet the numbers are clear that we have a long way to go. The 2022 student survey found that 49% of 8th graders experienced one type of discrimination at least weekly; this percentage jumps to 66% for American Indians/Alaska Natives. According to the Trevor project, in 2022 only 47% of LGBTQA+ students feel welcome at school in Oregon. We need students from all walks of life to know that they belong. We need them to have access to more than deficit perspectives about them in the community. 

This bill prevents discrimination against our most vulnerable students by giving them the right to see themselves reflected in their school. In Oregon, we have not reached parity in representation with school staff, despite our focus in this area through the years. But one tool we can rely on for representation is the diverse range of materials that are representative, affirmational, and welcoming to students no matter the life they walk. Maintaining those materials is key to folding in all students into success in our communities.